Pusat Mall di Jakarta Selatan, Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall
Pusat Mall di Jakarta Selatan, Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall - Since the early 1970s , Indonesia gradually transform its economy into a system of neo-liberals so very friendly to foreign investment . This effort became more obvious after the issuance of policies of economic deregulation between 1980 to the mid-1990s where , in the golden age , investors are given great latitude for control of urban land and transfer it into industrial land and real estate ( especially malls , apartments , and offices in Jabodetabek ) ( Santoso , 2007; Cowherd , 2005) . Pusat Mall di Jakarta Selatan Plastica Xchange Jaya Lifestyle Mall and Shopping Center in New South Jakarta .
Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall Plastica Xchange Jaya Mall , monetary crisis 1997/1998 only temporarily stop the rate of growth of real estate ( short stagnation ) , including the mall . Up to now , the number of malls has increased rapidly in cities that traditionally form the backbone of the national economy , such as Jakarta, which has 39 malls , Bandung ( 28 ) , Surabaya ( 16 ) , Field ( 8 ) , Semarang ( 6 ) , Manado ( 8 ) , and Denpasar ( 5 ) . But in the era of regional autonomy , the phenomenon of the proliferation of mall development was becoming a trend in many urban areas ' new ' , as Depok ( 8 mall ) , Jakarta ( 9 ) , Cimahi ( 2 ) , even in Jatinangor - Kab . Bandung ( 1 ) . For urban communities of Indonesia, Centre Mall in Jakarta on the one hand reflects the real needs of urban communities over public space ( public space ) for recreational activities and social events , as part of a modern lifestyle .
Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall Pusat Mall di Jakarta
Due to the limited public spaces , the mall became the logical choice for a number of reasons such as convenience ( to avoid the sting of the tropical air and rain ) , practicality and efficiency ( reduce movement within the city ) , security ( psychological needs for security) as well as the certainty ( to avoid fraudulent practices prevalent in the product as a traditional market ) . Location Xchange Mall Jaya Plastica and regent No wonder berlombalomba to build a mall , Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall making it an alias landmark symbol of progress and success in the area of electoral mandate . The existence of the mall as a retail complex that encourages consumption since the 1998 economic crisis is considered by many to help the growth sectors of the economy such riil.Namun , on the other hand , critics often argued olehpara urbanists to decision makers regarding the development Mall in Jakarta .
First , the mall is a public space that is exclusive artifi shit . Poor decisions that could only enjoy the mall from the outside ( outdoor) alone . Second , the small traders difficult to afford bersaingdengan upper middle traders in the buying / renting a retail unit in the mall ( indoor unit ) such as kiosks / shops and others . The third criticism is the uniformity of the architectural form of the cities of Indonesia , where the mall at this moment has been transformed into a new Pusat Mall di Jakarta city landmark is lit , while the old town left to dim . Plastica Jaya Xchange Center Mall Jakarta Mall in the city's architecture course Unification form very contrary to the cultural diversity of Indonesia. Recent criticism relating to waste the energy released from the air conditioning , lighting and buildings often caused congestion around the mall . The existence of many malls are the traits of town " sick " , because as a public space it does not meet social and environmental objectives .
Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall For the cities of Indonesia , Jakarta Mall is a physical representation of the various socio- economic paradox , namely : the rich - poor , exclusive - inclusive , artifi shit - natural , and modern - traditional . Mall , plaza , town square and the like are monuments socio-economic disparities , aka the form of socio- economic segregation is challenged severely by Jane Jacobs long ago ( see Levy , 1991) . Gaps Mall Jaya Plastica Xchange is probably no need to be displayed . It's time to rethink the decision makers mall development impact in the cities of Indonesia , which seems to be incompatible with the principle of ' serving thepublic interest' as a basis fi losofi urbanism ( Campbell & Fainstein , 2003 ) .
With a number of existing mall , seems to have more than enough . It's time the various dichotomies that exist terminated , so that citizens can grow together in social spaces more inclusive ( open ) , more natural ( not artifi unlucky ) , empathy ( the differences in socio- economic class ) Plastica Jaya Mall and appropriate Xchange with the character of the nation . Mall di Jakarta Thought development may be much simpler , where the instrument of green open space as a public space that is natural and zoning regulations are pro - environment ( which ensures the provision of pedestrian pathways , bike , etc. ) needs to get more attention and began to be implemented consistently. Mall in Jakarta.
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